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Fast and fun, well done !

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+1)

realy cool, the sounds and ghraphics are nice, might just be my pc, but fels like it is was not made for web but again might be my pc. sometimes it was unclear why i was taking damage, just to later find out 2 or more of those creatures are on top of me
edit: just saw the requirements, and i dont meet them that might be the problem :)

Hi, thank you for the feedback and for playing my game!

In the menu of the game there are two graphic options that you can disable (particle and additional lights). They should improve the performance.

I was trying to optimise it as best as possible for the web version from the start. Unfortunately I've tested it only on my own machine. I wouldn't treat it as minimum requirements, as a machine that is around 3 times slower should perform fine (at least according to GPU/CPU utilisation that I've tested).

Unfortunately the Web version also worked slighlty worse than the .exe version but I decided to go full web this time.

I will see what I can do to improve the performance (or introduce .exe as an optional download)

"sometimes it was unclear why i was taking damage, just to later find out 2 or more of those creatures are on top of me"
I must agree, the feedback from getting hit is not very obvious (aside the "darkzone"). The good news is that you only take a hit every 0,7 second so it doesn't matter how many enemies are stuck on you.

(2 edits)

Hello again, just added .exe file. Should have better performance than the browser version (and looks better).

Edit: added additional hit/damage indicators (vignette on hit) + hit sound effect.


Cool game! The upgrade mechanic is really satisfying.

Thank you very much!